Sunday, July 14, 2013

Blog Idea : Revisited.

Maybe I should start writing a blog. Where I can rant about how I have NO idea why I am studying commerce when that doesn’t seem to be what I wish to do professionally (although I am enjoying the curriculum). Or talk in my hyper excited way about ideas that grip me and inspire me till I am completely obsessed with them (happens pretty often). Or maybe share some part of my creative writing and poetry.

So here it is. Weird blog idea, welcome to my world then.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012



So i figured if i don't start writing here now (and don't stop deliberating about what to write), i never will. This may not be the funniest, wittiest, smartest post ever, and i may not even have a distinctive writing style, but this is me.
Every bit of it is me. Right from the water, which seems so calm, ao serene on the surface; The cool blue colour-my favourite..i think this is me..And oh the title? Well that is the meaning of my name.

A  Beautiful  Creation. 


This is the beginning.

And Hi, i am sukriti.